Nuru Lutheran Media’s mission is to share the hope and love of Jesus Christ by ministering to individuals and communities, equipping them with the transformative truth of the Gospel as commanded in Matthew 28:19-20.
We offer a range of programs, including prison visitation, Bible Correspondence Courses (BCC), Project JOEL for youth, film ministry, voluntary counseling and testing (VCT), medical outreach, and the Reaching Rahab Program for marginalized women.
This program provides spiritual counseling and vocational training to young women involved in prostitution. It also supports former inmates by offering them new opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.
Our prison ministry involves counseling, Bible studies, film screenings, and drama performances. We also provide Bible Correspondence Courses and engage with prison staff and inmates to foster spiritual transformation and reintegration into society.
Media plays a significant role through dramatized radio programs, social media engagement, and film ministry. These platforms creatively and effectively communicate the Gospel to diverse audiences.
Our programs target a wide range of people, including prisoners, youth, families, marginalized communities, the dechurched, Muslims, and individuals affected by HIV/AIDS. We aim to reach people from all walks of life with the Gospel.
The BCC is an educational program designed to teach the basics of the Christian faith. It is open to prisoners, youth, refugees, and others interested in deepening their understanding of the Gospel.
Project JOEL is a youth-focused program that provides Christian guidance to help young people make healthy life decisions. It operates in schools, colleges, and Sunday schools, addressing issues like substance abuse and negative lifestyles.
You can support us through prayer, financial contributions, volunteering, or participating in our outreach programs. Contact us to learn more about how you can partner with our ministry.
Since 1998, we have played a pivotal role in evangelism and church planting, contributing to the establishment of over 50 churches and impacting over 40,000 prisoners through our Bible Correspondence Courses. Our outreach programs continue to transform lives for Christ.